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+49 30 24041420

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Victoria Igoumenaki

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Igoumenaki,[/no_custom_font][/no_elements_holder_item][/no_elements_holder][no_elements_holder number_of_columns=”one_column”][no_elements_holder_item aligment=”left” animation_name=”grow_in” animation_delay=”1000″ advanced_animations=”no”][no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”60″ line_height=”71″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”700″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”-1″ show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#ffffff”]General Manager – CCO.[/no_custom_font][/no_elements_holder_item][/no_elements_holder]

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Assisting brands & organizations become all they are or wish to be.


Being a self-starter and a truly people-oriented person, Victoria serves her clients’ needs with genuine enthusiasm, always determined to deliver more than the expected results, when she is not jangling between Spanish, English & Greek.


As the General Manager and Head of Client Service at Pitch S.A., Victoria is proud to be one of the team’s communication enthusiasts who work hard to deliver on time and under budget creative Strategic Communication and PR initiatives, handling a variety of corporate, brand, digital and marketing programs.


During her +20-years career, Victoria has been fortunate to organize and manage, diverse marketing communications programs, designed to target audiences across the technology, F&B, FMCG and the Energy fields, while increasing brand & corporate equity and surpassing the set KPIs on behalf of different clients.

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Having received her Master’s degree with Honors from the Communications, Culture and Technology dept. at Georgetown University, her higher diploma from GWU and the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and her Double Major on Marketing Management & International Business, Victoria considers herself extremely fortunate to have challenged her understanding on how strategy gets implemented, prior to designing and deploying public outreach programs that combine physical and digital aspects to reach the desired publics.


A Greek native, Victoria speaks fluently English, Spanish and basic Italian.

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